Affordable health insurance in any state is usually obtained through an employer who offers a health benefits package – Ohio is no exception. However, not all employers offer health benefits packages to their employees, and they aren’t legally required to. Also, some people work one or two part time jobs and aren’t eligible for either employer’s health benefits packages because they don’t work enough hours. In other words, they aren’t full time employees, so the employers don’t feel they are important enough assets to insure.
Other than purchasing an individual health insurance policy in Ohio, which is usually always more expensive than buying into a group health insurance policy such as those offered by employers, or seeking state assistance for health insurance, there are two other options for obtaining affordable health insurance, or at least medical cost coverage, in Ohio.
One option for obtaining affordable health insurance in Ohio is to purchase major medical policy with a high deductible. Of course, these kinds of health insurance policies usually don’t cover regular doctor’s visits, but they will cover major medical expenses such as emergency room visits, hospitalization, and surgeries. Plus, because of the higher deductible, they are more affordable that a regular health insurance policy.
Another option for obtaining affordable health coverage in Ohio is to set up a Health Savings Account, also referred to as HSAs. HSAs aren’t health insurance policies per se, but they do allow you to save money along the way should you need to visit a doctor, be medically treated, or pay for any other health service.
Obtaining affordable health insurance in Ohio – or any other state, for that matter – is no easy feat if you aren’t offered a health benefits package through an employer; however, don’t give up. Aside from purchasing an individual package or seeking state assistance, you can purchase a major medical policy or start an HSA to cover some of your health costs.